Batman Fear State Omega #1 (One Shot) Cover A Regular Jamal Campbell Cover

Batman Fear State Omega #1 (One Shot) Cover A Regular Jamal Campbell Cover

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  • Рік видання 2021
  • Автор James Tynion IV
  • Художник Riccardo Federici
  • Мова англійська
  • Кількість сторінок 24
  • Видавництво DC
  • ISBN 76194137463500111
  • Палітурка м'яка
  • Формат 170 х 260 мм
  • Країна-виробник товару США


As Gotham’s Fear State comes to a close, a new day dawns on the city…one without Batman. But the Dark Knight’s absence does not mean the city is without heroes.

Join James Tynion IV and Riccardo Federici as they bring "Fear State" to its conclusion and introduce a new status quo that will reverberate throughout the DCU for years to come.

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