Dark Knights Rising The Wild Hunt #1 Cover A Regular Doug Mahnke Foil-Stamped Cover (Dark Nights Metal Tie-In)

Dark Knights Rising The Wild Hunt #1 Cover A Regular Doug Mahnke Foil-Stamped Cover (Dark Nights Metal Tie-In)

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  • Рік видання 2018
  • Мова англійська
  • Кількість сторінок 24
  • Видавництво DC
  • ISBN 76194135481100111
  • Палітурка м'яка
  • Формат 170 х 260 мм
  • Країна-виробник товару США

Continued from the pages of the bestselling DARK NIGHTS: METAL! The Dark Knights ride through the farthest reaches of the Multiverse to track down the unlikeliest of teams: The Flash, Cyborg, Raven and Detective Chimp. The mission: keep these heroes from completing their desperate quest to save all of existence! Plus, Challengers' Mountain crackles with dark energy that will release an army of the world's worst nightmares into the streets of Gotham City! This one-shot also answers the question: Where are the Metal Men? And who is the latest addition to the team? FOIL-STAMPED COVER

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