MARVEL COMICS #1000 Cover A Regular Alex Ross Cover

MARVEL COMICS #1000 Cover A Regular Alex Ross Cover

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  • Мова англійська
  • Кількість сторінок 80
  • Видавництво MARVEL
  • ISBN 75960609341000011
  • Формат 260 х 170 мм

"(W/A/CA) Various

THE GREATEST TALENT EVER ASSEMBLED FOR ONE STORY! THIS IS THE BIG ONE! In celebration of Marvel's 80th Anniversary, we have gathered together the greatest array of talent ever to be assembled between the covers of a single comic book! Names from the past, from the present, and even the future! Every page is filled with all-new work from this cavalcade of comic book luminaries! There is a mystery that threads throughout the Marvel Universe - one that has its origins in MARVEL COMICS #1 and which unites a disparate array of heroes and villains throughout the decades! What is the Eternity Mask, and who is responsible for the conspiracy to keep it hidden? And what new player will make their startling debut as these secrets are peeled away? Featuring the entirety of the Marvel Universe of characters!"


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