Suicide Squad Vol 5 #2 Cover A Regular Bruno Redondo Cover

Suicide Squad Vol 5 #2 Cover A Regular Bruno Redondo Cover

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  • Автор Tom Taylor
  • Художник Bruno Redondo
  • Мова англійська
  • Кількість сторінок 24
  • Видавництво DC
  • ISBN 76194136679100211
  • Палітурка м'яка
  • Формат 170 х 260 мм
  • Країна-виробник товару США

After the absolute carnage of Suicide Squad #1, a new Task Force X has been assembled-even before the bodies of teammates and friends have had a chance to cool! What's left standing may be the most capable and uncompromising Suicide Squad ever brought together. But it's also the most divided. Forced to fulfill the agenda of a cruel new taskmaster, this Squad might survive their next mission, but they may not survive each other.

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