- Рік видання 2023
- Автор Bartosz Sztybor
- Художник Fabio Violante
- Мова англійська
- Кількість сторінок 24
- Видавництво Dark Horse
- ISBN 76156801051000111
- Палітурка м'яка
- Формат 260 х 170 мм
- Країна-виробник товару США
Presenting fan-favorites for FCBD: a squad of superpowered siblings and the infamous monster hunter!
In The Umbrella Academy "Safe," Hargreeves and Abhijit embark on an interdimensional journey and find a cosmic horror that will have repercussions for our heroes and the universe.
Then, in The Witcher "Frog Kiss," Geralt must uncover why the young women in Novigrad are turning into frogs!
Exclusive Original Material
Rating: Mature