Vigilante Southland #3

Vigilante Southland #3

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  • Рік видання 2016
  • Автор Gary Phillips
  • Художник Elena Casagrande
  • Мова англійська
  • Кількість сторінок 24
  • Видавництво DC
  • ISBN 76194134196500311
  • Палітурка м'яка
  • Формат 170 х 260 мм
  • Країна-виробник товару США

Donny has landed in hot water. Both literally and figuratively. The trail of his girlfriend's killer has led him into a dangerous conspiracy, and the cops now think he's a murderer himself. The only way out is to take a jump in the Pacific Ocean, but the mysterious assassin Spectros is going to make sure that the Southland Vigilante never comes up for air

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