

Аскеладд має готуватися до бою, бо Торкеллю таки вдалося його наздогнати після тривалої погоні Англією. Битва видається запеклою, командувача поранено. Торфінн бачить, як вбивця його батька стікає кров’ю, та не може допустити, щоб той загинув. Ні, не так, він ще не відповів за свої злочини. Т..
199 грн.
Нерішучий принц Кнуд дуже змінився. Коли він у супроводі підступного Аскеладда та запального Торфінна прибуває до Гейнборо, в ньому важко впізнати того юнака, який вирушав в цей похід. До нього приєднується і Торкеллове військо. Чи визнають його як майбутнього полководця? Ще складно сказати, ..
199 грн.
Дайґо поспішає до Куґе, щоб врятувати дітей, які можуть постраждати на Святі підношень. Час спливає, встигнути важливо важливо. Несподівана зустріч з Кейсуке дарує йому можливість запитати те, про що він думає, відколи став тут дільничим. Чи справді в Куґе їдять людей? Певні..
199 грн.
Наото має дар… чи прокляття. Він знає, кому скільки залишилося жити. Бачить щоденний відлік днів до смерті в усіх, кого зустрічає. Бачить, хто житиме довго, а чиє життя обірветься всього за кілька днів. Як він живе із цим знанням? Чи намагається когось урятувати? Чи вважає себе божевільним? ..
199 грн.
*ілюстрована новела, не манга   (W/A/CA) Reki Kawahara Umesato Junior High School's culture festival has been a huge success with all the girls that Haruyuki invited in attendance, much to the chagrin of Kuroyukihime. The fireworks were an especially nice touch, though not everyone i..
449 грн.
*ілюстрована новела, не манга   (A) Sunsunsun, Momoco Summer vacation has arrived, so Masachika and Alya have some time to get closer and now she calls him by his first name! Plus, the student council goes on a trip: a private beach and summer festival fireworks set the mood. Swimsui..
449 грн.
*ілюстрована новела, не манга   (W) Saekisan (A) Hanekoto After a long unrequited love, Mahiru and Amane finally begin dating, and the inexperienced two stumble through their new relationship while steadily growing closer to each other. Although initially annoyed by the commotion sur..
449 грн.
*ілюстрована новела, не манга   (W) Saekisan (A) Hanekoto Amane Fujimiya is a high schooler who lives alone and spends his days loafing around. Mahiru Shiina is the most beautiful girl in school, nicknamed 'Angel' by those around her. These two neighbors, who initially had nothing to..
449 грн.
(W/A/CA) Isayama Hajime What's left of humanity lives in fear of their lives in this exciting, terrifying new manga that's a number one bestseller in Japan. Humankind is down to just a few thousand people who live in a city surrounded by three concentric walls. The walls protect them from their e..
449 грн.
(W/A/CA) Isayama Hajime Humanity has been devastated by the bizarre, giant humanoids known as the Titans. Little is known about where they came from or why they are bent on consuming humanity. Seemingly unintelligent, they have roamed the world killing off humankind for years. For the past centur..
449 грн.
(W/A/CA) Isayama Hajime What was his father's sin? Captured by Rod Reiss, the rightful king, Krista and Eren finally have their memories back. What exactly happened to Eren, and what was the crime his father committed? Meanwhile, the Survey Corps desperately hunts for Eren, while at the same time..
449 грн.
(W/A/CA) Isayama Hajime What's left of humanity lives in fear for their lives in this exciting, terrifying manga that's a number one bestseller in the U.S. and Japan. Humankind is down to just a few thousand people who live inside three concentric walls that protect them from the ravenous, giant ..
449 грн.
(W/A/CA) Isayama Hajime Humanity has been devastated by the bizarre, giant humanoids known as the Titans. Seemingly unintelligent, they have roamed the world killing off humankind for years. For the past century, what's left of mankind has hidden in a giant, three-walled city where people believe..
449 грн.
(W/A/CA) Isayama Hajime Humanity has been devastated by the bizarre, giant humanoids known as the Titans. Seemingly unintelligent, they have roamed the world killing off humankind for years. For the past century, what's left of mankind has hidden in a giant, three-walled city where people believe..
449 грн.
(W/A/CA) Isayama Hajime The blockbuster manga edges closer to its thrilling conclusions. The final battle rages between the Survey Corps and the genocidal Colossus and Armored Titans. It's a personal fight that has driven old friends to kill each other, with the fate of humanity and the truth beh..
449 грн.
(W/A/CA) Isayama Hajime The saga of humanity and the predatory Titans edges closer to its thrilling conclusion. The mysteries of the Titans are being revealed. Who will escape death at the hands of giants and humans alike? ..
449 грн.